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nova scotia 新斯科舍〔加拿大省名〕。


Worried martha stewart fans can relax - the ex - convict lifestyle guru will be rowing a giant 600 lb 270 kg decorated pumpkin across a canadian lake this weekend after all . stewart had looked set to miss sunday ' s charity pumpkin race in the atlantic province of nova scotia because her conviction for lying about a stock trade meant she needed special permission to enter canada 美國家政女王瑪莎斯圖爾特決定在本周末親自劃動一只“船”來橫渡加拿大哈利法克斯市附近的一個湖泊,而這只船其實就是一個中間被掏空的巨型南瓜。

Paper explores how the administration of agricultural policies will evolve in response to drivers of change , including an overview of how the national agricultural policy framework was shaped to meet nova scotias agriculture policy priorities and how changing industry needs are being addressed through new delivery partnerships , concluding with a discussion of the challenges associated with these evolving approaches to agricultural administration 本文分析了如何制定農業政策以適應變革的需要,介紹了如何指定全國性的農業政策框架滿足nova scotia省的農業政策的重點和如何通過新的合作方式滿足產業需求的變化,

Cape breton university , formerly the “ university college of cape breton “ uccb , is a university in the cape breton regional municipality , near sydney , nova scotia , canada , on the island of cape breton . it has an enrollment of around 3 , 500 students 凱波布蘭頓大學cape breton university cbu ,原名凱波布蘭頓大學學院“ university college of cape breton ” uccb ,座落在加拿大斯高沙省悉尼市凱波布蘭頓地區,目前有約3500名學生在校生。

Cbu , formerly the “ university college of cape breton “ uccb , is a university in the cape breton regional municipality , near sydney , nova scotia , canada , on the island of cape breton . it has an enrollment of around 3 , 500 students 凱波布蘭頓大學cape breton university cbu ,原名凱波布蘭頓大學學院“ university college of cape breton ” uccb ,座落在加拿大斯高沙省悉尼市凱波布蘭頓地區。

D . deion of nova scotia priced his vote at 799 canadian dollars 686 , which he calculated would be his share of the federal government ' s budget surplus in 2006 , minus one canadian dollar “ to make it look less expensive . 按照他的計算,這將是他在2006年終獲得的政府預算結余分紅。他還幽默地補充到: “減去1加元在800加元的基礎上是為了使這個價格看起來不至于過高。 ”

Under a related agreement with the government of nova scotia , the former technology and trades programs offered by the institution have been taken over by the nova scotia community college . cbu s colours are green and orange 根據與凱波布蘭頓政府的相關協議,凱波布蘭頓大學原有的科技和貿易專業轉由凱波布蘭頓社區學院提供nova scotia community college 。

Growth during the 1950s saw several buildings opened on this site . in 1968 the “ nova scotia eastern institute of technology “ nseit opened in 1968 on the sydney - glace bay highway , immediately east of sydney 1968年,在悉尼-格林斯貝之間緊鄰悉尼市東的地方建立了東高沙省科技學院“ nova scotia eastern institute of technology ” nseit 。

Stewart had looked set to miss sunday ' s charity pumpkin race in the atlantic province of nova scotia because her conviction for lying about a stock trade meant she needed special permission to enter canada 報道說,這項慈善賽事的組織者是一位名叫霍華德。迪爾的南瓜種植者。迪爾目前居住在加拿大大西洋沿岸的新斯科舍省。

February 13 dr . wei yu , vice minister of education and chairman of china scholarship council met governor of nova scotia of canada , who accompanied canadian premier to visit china 2月13日,國家留學基金管理委員會主任教育部副部長韋鈺同志會見了隨加總理來訪的加拿大新斯科特省省長一行。

Bnshk is a company incorporated in hong kong and a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank of nova scotia , a bank incorporated in canada and a bank in hong kong 是在本港注冊成立的公司,并為加拿大豐業銀行的全資附屬公司。加拿大豐業銀行是在加拿大注冊的銀行,亦是本港其中一間銀行。

The world has many “ longevity “ hotspots where the number of centenarians exceeds 10 in 100 , 000 . hawaii , sardinia , nova scotia and japan are amongst them 在這些地區,每10萬人中就有10位以上是百歲老人,如美國的夏威夷,意大利的撒丁島,加拿大的新斯科舍和日本。

Loyal to the english crown , he embarked for nova scotia at the beginning of the revolution , there to become its lieutenant governor until his death in 1820 出于對英國皇室的忠誠, john wentworth在大革命初期著手建立nova scotia并成為其副州長直到1820年逝世。

In 1855 , british soldiers in nova scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds , using a puck instead of a ball 1855年,新斯科舍的英國士兵決定用一個橡膠圓盤而不是圓球,在冰凍的湖面和池塘上,以場地曲棍球的形式,進行一項運動。

The charity race is organized by howard dill , a pumpkin farmer who lives in the town of windsor , close to the nova scotia capital of halifax 報道說,這項慈善賽事的組織者是一位名叫霍華德迪爾的南瓜種植者。

After the american revolution , nova scotia was deluged by new englanders still loyal to the crown and england 在美國獨立戰爭之后,新斯科舍(加拿大的一個省)涌入了大量仍舊效忠于皇室和英國的新英格蘭人。

Stopped in ottawa , after visiting dairy farms and facilities in nova scotia as part of a trip to canada organized by the 董事長牛根生先生參觀了新斯科舍省的乳牛場及生產設施,并在渥太華停留。

By the 1750 ' s , this joyous celebration was brought to nova scotia by american settlers from the south 到十七世紀五十年代,這種快樂的儀式被北美的移居者從南部帶到了加拿大的新斯科舍省。

2 boris worm of dalhousie university in nova scotia , canada , led the international team that did the study 加拿大新斯科舍戴爾豪士大學鮑里斯.沃穆領導一個國際性小組進行了這項研究。

Boris worm of dalhousie university in nova scotia , canada , led the international team that did the study 一項研究預警:海產品供應大約到本世紀中期就會枯竭。